Monday, November 7, 2011

Proverbs 14:3

In the mouth of a fool is a rod of pride, but the lips of the wise will preserve them.
For example, in sociology today a guy was talking about how he is agnostic; he doesn't believe in a god, he believes in himself and the “power” of discovering yourself and the world around you. I could hear the pride in his words outpouring from his heart. We cannot be our own sustenance, for when we are at the end of ourselves where will we draw strength from if our “strength” was conjured up from somewhere within. When you run out of strength, hope and life, where will you go? Will you rely on yourself alone? It is impossible, if there is nothing within you to draw from then you have no way to help yourself out. I draw my strength from God alone because I have no strength, and I have no hope apart from him. I find that there is more honor in saying, “I can live without my own strength because I draw my strength from One who is more powerful than me, One who can give me the breath to live another day, One who can keep my heart beating independently of my own will to live”; there is more honor in saying that than in saying, “I am my own strength and by my own power I live.” There are too many questions in relying on your own “power”; you do not have the power to keep yourself alive if you've been seriously wounded or if you contract a deadly disease. You do not have the power to heal in and of yourself. You cannot control what happens around you. You cannot control the drunk drivers, or the murderers, or the cheaters or diseases or wounds. The only thing you can control is the choice to put your life in the hands of One who can control these things or the choice to remain confident in your own “power”. I can confidently say that I trust God with my life, and I trust that he is in control not only of the circumstances around me but also of my very life. I am confident that the air I breathe is from His lungs and the eyes I see with are given to me so that I can see Him, and the heart within me beats to the rhythm of his love, and the mind that I perceive with is tuned to his Word so I can understand that he is God and I am not. The greatest power you can have is only given by the One who is all-powerful, and even then it is His power within you and not your own.  

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