Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Pearl of Great Price

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Matthew 13:45-46

Ahh this is such a simple parable with such great meaning!
The other day in my English class we were discussing an essay, and the topic of absolute truth came up. My teacher basically said that everyone has to find their own truth, and that the only absolute truth is that there is no absolute truth. I simply could not agree with this and I asked what the point of living was without a Truth to live for.
So, back to the parable. In this case, I see the many beautiful pearls that the merchant is searching for as all the religions and philosophies in this world. Each man is a merchant searching for "truth", and when he finds the greatest pearl he gives his whole life to it.
This world is full of deception! How can anyone be sure if his or her own "truth" is truly worth living for? If there is no such thing as absolute truth then why should any of us search it out? As a Christian I know Truth personally and his name is Jesus Christ. Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
In a college setting it's really hard to argue that my truth is the Truth, but I am thoroughly convinced that it is. Jesus Christ has proven himself to me in so many, many ways, and I cannot deny his words.
I am no longer a slave to sin. Whose truth can set people free? I am going to live forever with my God and Savior. Whose truth can promise eternal life? My Jesus is alive! He was crucified and then rose from the grave! Whose truth has ever conquered death then promised victory to those who would do no more than believe on his name? I have never seen a truth with that kind of power before. I have never seen a truth that contains so much love, hope, or grace. This truth is the only one that is not just the Truth, but also the Way, and the Life. I want to live for something like that.

I have found my Pearl of Great Price, his name is Jesus Christ, and I will give all that I am for Him.

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